Saturday, 14 December 2019


I installed the version of the CU2 but have read they re-released the CU2 and that version is So after contacting Microsoft our Site Code was on the list of unsupported ones found at the bottom of this page: Per Larsen 3 Comments. Anyone know what was fixed and if it is worth trying to upgrade to the version of CU2? Apparently this issue only appears on systems with first version of CU2 version1 and with applying the revision version of CU2. I had some pain points helping a customer setup CU2. The code isnt very helpful. configuration manager 2012 r2 sp1 cu2

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configuration manager 2012 r2 sp1 cu2

Installation requires at least 90MB free disk space. Yes, same issue in our environment. Did this solve your problem? If you are installing using the new build, the console version will be If you select the Automatically Apply option in the installation wizard, your client will update using your time frame settings. Did we use broken or outdated sources, all downloaded from Microsoft. Open the console again and it brings back the first message about enabled and disabled extensions.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. When the agent installs it looks for this directory to see if there are any patches that need to be run on the client and will apply the CU automatically.

Will the Client Push find the msp file there or does confgiuration need to be re-copied into a ClientPatch folder as you suggested?

If the upgrade was successful, the console build number will be 5.

configuration manager 2012 r2 sp1 cu2

You can apply the install. Your screenshots are right. The client version will be updated to 5. What I had to do was create a directory called ClientPatch c: I think the version in your code snippets for the client machines query and elsewhere are missing a 0.

It fix lots of issues, which some of them are important. So after contacting Microsoft our Site Code was on the list of unsupported ones found at the bottom of this page: We need more ex-scientologists to speak out about the abuses within Scientology.

This update also brings the anti-malware client version to 4. First of all we expected everything was fine, but… When we try to update a clients SCCM agent it does not work. According to this — https: Clients will be at There is quite a rich diversity of information in blogs so I am getting involved and commenting. We have a lot of clients on sccm build version 5.

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 CU2 Installation Guide

Just uninstall the console and install the Console again. Failed to find media signing certificate. When this issue occurs, you may experience one of the following symptoms. Apparently this issue only appears on systems with first version of CU2 version1 and with applying the revision version of CU2. CU2 contains all the fixes included in previous CU.

I had the same issue. The product group has release a new build after my post.

Upgrading to ConfigMgr R2 SP1 (SP2) CU2 - Deployment Research

The code isnt very helpful. His specialization is designing, deploying and configuring SCCM, mass deployment of Windows operating systems, Office and Intunes deployments. I have encountered the same issue with the re-install of the MP. I have incuded a website and email address.

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